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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

Super simple and endure to look the shell nails and manicure design


Have you ever had a shell manicure? If you have not tried to change this kind of manicure, so today as to follow me to see, super simple and durable shell manicure, can not help but want to change!

You look! So good-looking a shell nail, presumably a lot of girls will like it? Make it super simple and durable, each nail is decorated with shell fragments and sequins, in the light will flash, it looks so beautiful.

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

This one is really much better than the last one! Not only have shell fragment, still have the leaf adornment ornament of gold leaf, aureate, the white pearl above ring finger and forefinger more let whole promote aesthetic feeling, looking at such good-looking manicure really cannot help but want to change!

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

With ivory nail polish serves as dozen ground color, decorated above next gold foil and water drill and gold foil line, so good-looking and delicate manicure, change to let you raise your hand to reveal grace, the girl with long fingernail changes meeting more good-looking, the most important point is to show white!

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

Stereo feeling is dye-ready a shell nail, silver-white fingernail gives base color, foil gets rid of glittering and translucent of each finger appear, the skin of both hands is instantly white a lot of, have shell fragment, gold foil, still have white pearl ornament, such simple and endure to see manicure, ask which a girl to see end do not want to change!

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

Gentle bean paste color shell manicure, thumb, middle finger still have little finger above besmeared bean paste color, only index finger and ring finger above decorated gold foil, shell fragment ornament, noble and do not break grace, because have the foil of bean paste color, so hands skin can appear very white.

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

The color of simple shell manicure is closer to the skin color to highlight the elegant and simple temperament. In the simple shell nails on the road to innovation and add more color. A lot of vivacity was added to the elegance. And you can also choose according to your own preferences, not limited to the traditional white.

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

This shell enhancement is matched with colorful colors, a small and fresh style. Some small diamond ornaments are decorated in the albumen part, and the other two parts can be decorated without any decoration, or add some different small decorations according to your own preferences, which will also have different styles. This nail is also suitable for girls who want to try fresh department. The shell is only for decoration.

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

shell nails

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