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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

Author: Anna

Sleeve tattoos, which cover either your whole arm or very nearly the whole thing, are for people who aren't afraid of commitment. They take time, money, and a talented artist who can create large masterpieces for you to love forever. If sleeves sound enticing to...

Women, who love to keep themselves in style and maintain a tip top look all the time, mostly prefer short haircut. The reason is perfectly relative. Short haircuts are versatile and help.

Thigh tattoos might be  the sexiest tattoo placement  known to woman. And we know your man’ll love them too! Summer is coming, that means it's your best time to show your sexy.

Eye makeup tutorials always come to our rescue when we wish to try something new but have no idea how to do that. Be it a special occasion, or just a search for the perfect look, you will definitely find our explanations helpful. Have you...

Ombre nail designs are trendy and glamorous, so plenty of women are eager to have them. It seems very complicated at the first glance, but actually they are very easy.

Summer is almost here, so it is a good time to start thinking about your summer look. One of the most important things to consider is the hair. Changing your.

Short Messy Pixie Haircuts Hair administration can be admired as a characteristic talent. A short blowzy brownie beard appears alarming whenever the locks are straight. Short beard is simpler to.

White acrylic nails never go out of fashion. Even now they are extremely popular. Artificial nails are great timesavers, no doubt. They can be styled to suit any occasion. If you prefer some eccentric nail shapes, acrylic nails are a definite must for you. Check...
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