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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

50 Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit


How do you do glittery holiday makeup?

Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the areas you want the glitter to adhere to, then use a face wash brush to apply the glitter and dab it all over your face. Try a variety of glitter powders, silver stars, and finishing stones. Eyelash glue is excellent for securing more giant sequins or sequins.

What can I wear to the festival?

Denim is a good choice. If you don’t know what to wear, jeans, jackets, shorts, and shirts are acceptable holiday attire but still need to look stylish. Also, go out and buy some quirky and fun sunglasses.

Glitter on face and hair

It’s a lovely makeup idea to create shiny hair and face jewels for a festival like this. This looks great with a silver shimmer on blond hair. Gems big and small are stunning on the face and contrasting black matte lipstick.

Festival Coachella makeup looks

Here’s another excellent makeup idea with gems for Coachella. The image below uses large and small silver stars. With burgundy lipstick, the whole look is bright and beautiful.

Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
Best Festival Coachella makeup looks to be the real hit
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