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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

Japanese trend: Ballet manicure or acrylic coffin nails design come back to fashion stage again!


Japan has always been very sensitive to fashion, from hair style, clothing to manicure are all at the forefront of fashion. Today, I will bring you a Japanese manicure–Coffin nails ,too. It is simple without losing its generosity, low-key without losing its taste. Girls who love beauty, never miss it.

This manicure, which is popular in Japan, is Ballerina Nails, which is translated into Chinese as ballet manicure. In fact, this manicure has another name in America, Coffin Nails, which is Coffin manicure. It can also be seen from the name that Japan’s love for this manicure is such an elegant name.

Ballet manicure is characterized by its shape. It is a square manicure.
It’s like the shape of a ballet dancer standing on tiptoe .

This manicure has the effect of making fingers look slender. And it is not so easy to break than ordinary manicures. Solid color can better reflect the design of this manicure. It is simple without losing its generosity, low-key without losing its taste.

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