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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

25 Beautiful Acrylic Stiletto Nails Design Ideas 2020


Acrylic Stiletto nail is still regarded as a cool nail shape. Also known as pointy nails or claw nails, stiletto shaped nails are sexy, fierce and fun to get. If you’re looking to show off your empowered feminine side with a bold statement, there are many stiletto nail designs to choose from. For cute examples of short, medium and long stiletto nails in all colors, you’ll love our collection of trendy ideas. While black, red, ombre, pink, purple and nude stiletto nails seem to be the most popular trends, the best nail ideas match your personality and style.

To inspire your pointy nail designs, art and colors, here are25 cute stiletto nails you’ll want to copy.

Love to wear nails that are trendy and statement making? If so, you need to check out this design. Some of the nails are painted glossy black, one is matte black with a cool cut out design and the last nail has stunning leopard print art. The wild leopard print and black nails look so edgy and stylish together. There are tutorials online to show you how to create leopard print art and cut outs.

Love the nude nail ideas? Then this is for you. Most of the nails are painted in a light nude shade. Three of the nails have gold designs too. One is completely covered in gold glitter, the next has a gold chevron and the last nail has two gold gems. It is a very glam look and it would be perfect for a party. Recreate each design or just choose one.

Looking for a bright and stylish nail design for the summer? If so, this is perfect for you. These stiletto nails have been painted in a beautiful light blue. There are also three gems on one nail too. It is a chic and vibrant look! You can recreate something similar yourself with any blue nail polish and a matte top coat.

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