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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

54 Perfect Short Acrylic Almond Nails Design For This Summer


Almond shaped acrylics nails are a popular look and are often preferred by modern women. Unlike dangerous and sharp stiletto nails, almond nails are more wearable, which allows for more nails strength than the sharper and longer point of the stilettos. Style your fingers with almond shaped acrylic nails and decorate them with creative designs for a powerful yet feminine look.

How almond shaped nails are different from other nails shapess? It is the first thing we need to discuss before we proceed with nail art ideas. A nail in the shape of an almond is somewhat slender on both sides and also wide at its base. And it looks like an actual almond. Why try this nail shape? Well, firstly, this shape provides much space for creativity. And secondly, this nail shape is quite practical – you won’t break it as easily as, for example, stiletto nails. 

There are so many different options for almond nail designs, and all of them look great. Of course, you’ll need to choose something that fits your personality and style to get the best results that you will be happy with. Enjoy and Pin it!

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