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This is what succulent plants should look like!


Succulent is a very popular potted plant in recent years. Many people like to put a pot of multi-meat on desks, windows, and bookshelves. It looks fresh and lovely, small and beautiful, what are the beautiful plants in the meat? Today we will give them a list of the most beautiful plants.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent planter

The shape of this kind of leaf is a bit like the chess pieces in ordinary times, but it is red, so it is called Ruby. Its leaf flap turns green in summer, it turns red in spring, autumn, and winter, which is very magical. It is the most beautiful meat that deserves it.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Types of succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

How to plant succulents

Succulent plant, any plant with thick fleshy tissue suitable for water storage. Some succulents (such as cacti) only store water in the stems, with no leaves or tiny leaves, while other plants (such as agave) mainly store water in the leaves. Most succulents have deep or wide root systems found in deserts or areas in the semi-arid season. Succulent plants exist in more than 60 plant families, among which the succulent plants of Fungi, Cactaceae, and Crassulaceae are the main ones. Some are cultivated as ornamental plants and indoor plants, including aloe vera, laurel, etc.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Hanging succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent wall planter

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Ice plant succulent

This kind of meat is generally small, the leaves are light green, a little white, when the light is sufficient, it will turn into wiser White, wiser and clearer than Jade.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Indoor succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent plant care

A typical adaptation of many succulent plants is the opening time of their stomata, which are small mouth-like structures on the surface of plant leaves and stems. The pores allow the absorption of carbon dioxide from the environment and the loss of water and oxygen to the environment. Unlike most plants, the stomata of many succulent plants are closed during the day and open at night. Therefore, during hot and dry days, water loss (transpiration) is minimized, while carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption occurs in the dark. Therefore, these succulent plants exhibit an improved form of CO2 fixation and photosynthesis called alginic acid metabolism.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Flowering succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent planter ideas

This kind of meat and meat is quite common. It is said that it is the most regular and marked one among the multi-meat of Lotus type, and it is very easy to raise. When it comes out, its leaf tip is red, which is also very beautiful.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent plants for sale

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Zebra plant succulent

Cacti, most native to the Western Hemisphere, have developed a unique ability to store water in their thick, fleshy bodies. As a result, they thrive in full sunlight and require very little water. There are many strange forms:

  • Tiny button cactus, epithelium
  • Countless pillow-shaped mammals
  • Cactus, or Tom’s thumb cactus
  • Dwarf cactus Letia

When the last two flowers bloom, they are young and petite. Other forms include gymnasium or chin cactus; cactus or ball cactus; hydatid cactus, also known as barrel cactus; various cactus species, including rabbit ears and cholas; and head tooth cactus, or old man cactus, which has a gleaming white hair. More enormous cacti include Epiphyllum cactus and its relatives, which usually bloom at night, and desert giants such as Saguaro (classified as Epiphyllum cactus or giant vine), whose branching columns can reach up to 50 feet (15 meters). ). The cacti of tropical forests include the epiphytic labia, which is also found in Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and the near-epiphytic leaves, or orchids, cacti, and epiphytes, bloom in many colors.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Fake succulent plants

Ghost plant succulent

The biggest characteristic of ice plum is that the color transition is quite special, from the green tip to pink and red gradually.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent plant pots

This is what succulent plants should look like!

What are succulent plants

A typical stem succulent plant is the genus Euphorbia, which usually has an angle, a column like a candlestick, similar to a cactus. Leaf succulent plants are represented by aloe vera, a famous medicinal plant since ancient times; chickens and chickens; hair follicles, kalanchoe tomentose, panda plants; jade plants; and Haworthia flowers, which have corollas with tiny pearls on their leaves. Durable potted plants include the Phyllanthus spp., or Hucovus spp.; they can tolerate a lot of neglect and grow in less-than-ideal places.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

How to plant succulent cuttings

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Large succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent house plants

Dragon tree, also known as dragon tree, includes houseplants like D. from Madagascar. They form a twisted cluster of stems, topped by a rosette with narrow, tough leaves. Other examples are D. ‘ Warnecke, a beautiful, symmetrical rose-shaped sword shape with creamy green leaves with white stripes; D., a small, slender, strip-shaped plant that can grow in water Highly diverse plants. Similar in appearance is Pandanus, a rosette composed of tough, sword-shaped leaves—a ribbon-like spiral arrangement of shiny green and white.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent jade plant

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent plant names

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Artificial succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Diy succulent planter

Outdoor succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Pink succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent plant food

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Succulent plants near me

Clear succulent plant

This variety is very easy to raise, and it is easy to form old piles. Generally, it is planted in large areas. The leaves are relatively flat and buckled inward. It is a typical Lotus seat with succulent flesh, it is easy to see large areas of planting in the open hanging area, which is very gratifying.

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Elephant plant succulent

How to take care of succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Large succulent planter

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Purple succulent plant

This is what succulent plants should look like!

Small succulent plants

This is what succulent plants should look like!
This is what succulent plants should look like!
This is what succulent plants should look like!

This is what succulent plants should look like!

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