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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

Eye makeup tutorials always come to our rescue when we wish to try something new but have no idea how to do that. Be it a special occasion, or just a search for the perfect look, you will definitely find our explanations helpful. Have you ever...

Ombre nail designs are trendy and glamorous, so plenty of women are eager to have them. It seems very complicated at the first glance, but actually they are very easy.

Summer is coming, it time to do nails makeup. When it comes to nails color, possibly among the most preferred colors available for nail art enthusiasts is blue. If you would like to understand what nail polish would suit you best then you should look at...

Summer is almost here, so it is a good time to start thinking about your summer look. One of the most important things to consider is the hair. Changing your.

Short Messy Pixie Haircuts Hair administration can be admired as a characteristic talent. A short blowzy brownie beard appears alarming whenever the locks are straight. Short beard is simpler to.

White acrylic nails never go out of fashion. Even now they are extremely popular. Artificial nails are great timesavers, no doubt. They can be styled to suit any occasion. If you prefer some eccentric nail shapes, acrylic nails are a definite must for you. Check out...

Coffin acrylic nails gets more popular from early 90’s and still trendy now. They’re named for the angular shape of a coffin. It’s very unique. Coffin nails range from medium.

If you are looking for a way to simplify your beauty routine, keep away the grays or just give yourself an instant facelift? A short hairstyle is a great way to do that. And white pixie haircut is top of our list. When brainstorming the best...
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