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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails


A unique and fashionable nail style that is creating a lot of buzz right now is tone variations. This nail design includes choosing one primary color starting at the thumb. The shade begins at its darkest and slowly gets lighter as each nail is painted. Alternatively, you could select a different pastel color shade for each nail. Square nail designs are perfect for this trend due to their basic shape, leaving an ideal canvas for your nail technician to work her magic.

66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
66 beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails
beautiful summer nails design with natural short square nails

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