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Stay Breezy, Elegant and Unique

Short Pixie Haircut: Summer is here, we are looking for a cool hairstyle to be stylish and hot. The main reason why girls opt for pixie cuts is their exquisite taste. And when people see a woman with a short haircut, they realize that she is...

Whether you’ve been a dedicated makeup enthusiast or you are someone who’s just starting out with makeup, when it comes to the eyes, makeup can be a little tricky. There’s.

Lavender hair color is your ticket to a real fashionable fairy tale. The fairy tale, where you flaunt with a hair color that reminds you of the blissful early spring and makes you stand out from the crowd. How about you to make it real? It’s...

Hey! Beauties!The new season Summer is coming. Taking off our heavy coats, we can finally dress up and makeup beautifully. Do a beautiful haircut and pair with a personalized manicure that you are.

Almond shaped acrylics nails are a popular look and are often preferred by modern women. Unlike dangerous and sharp stiletto nails, almond nails are more wearable, which allows for more.

Summer is coming, if you are thinking about getting a tattoo, but are keen to opt for something subtle, small or tiny, then a delicate finger tattoo could be just for you. Tattoos are a great way to express your love, passion or belief through statements,...

Women, who love to keep themselves in style and maintain a tip top look all the time, mostly prefer short haircut. The reason is perfectly relative. Short haircuts are versatile and help.

Thigh tattoos might be  the sexiest tattoo placement  known to woman. And we know your man’ll love them too! Summer is coming, that means it's your best time to show your sexy Bikini suit or super short skirt and your charming body . If this is your first...
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